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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ninja Saga Hack 1 Hit Kill Boss Easter Event 2012 With Fiddler

Ninja Saga Hack 1 Hit Kill Boss Easter Event With Fiddler

Ninja Saga Hack 1 Hit Kill Boss Easter Event With Fiddler

Ninja Saga Hack 1 Hit Kill Boss Easter Event With Fiddler

Ninja Saga Hack 1 Hit Kill Boss Easter Event With Fiddler.

Fungsi Hack ini adalah membuat Attributes Point kita meningkat sampai +99999 Point, jika kita menambahkan Arttributes Point kita pada Earth maka HP kita kan menjadi 3.003.230.
Jika anda menambah Arttributes Point ke Fire atau Api maka Boss akan mati dalam satu serangan menggunakan jurus, jika kita menambahkan Arttributes Point ke Thunder atau Petir maka Boss akan mati dalam satu serangan menggunakan senjata atau jurus.
Demi keamanan, saya sarankan tambahkan juga Attributes Point ke Earth atau Tanah.

Note: Jangan menambahkan Attributes Point ke Wind atau Angin, jika anda nekat resiko tanggung penumapang..:-D

1. Swf File : Click disini Untuk Download
    Password untuk Download adalah:
2. Fiddler2 : Click disini Untuk Download
3. Browser anda, pokoknya browser yang support dengan Fiddler

1. Download dan Instal Fiddler terlebih dahulu [bagi yang belum punya]
2. Masuk Facebook anda
3. Masuk ke permainan Ninja Saga
4. Buka Fiddler kemudian dalam Fiddler Pilih dan Klik pada "Tab autoresponder" (yang bergambar Petir berwarna Hijau)
5. Kemudian Centang pada "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
6. Seret dan Letakan File Swf yang anda Download tadi kedalam kolom "Autoresponder"
7. Kemudian Bersihkan Chace dalam Browser anda (dari awal waktu)
8. Setelah proses di atas selesai, kita kembali Ninja Saga
9. Masuk Academy dan tambahkan Attributes Point sesuai keinginan anda (Jangan Menambahkan Point pada Angin atau Wind)
10. Setelah anda menambahkan point, selanjutnya Masuk "Kari Gumi VS Egg Hunting Bosses" atau "Hunting Boss"
11. Silahkan habisi semua Boss.
Semoga Bermanfaat..

How to Delete the cache :
* For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome -> Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ninja Saga Easter Event 2012 Hack: Make all the bosses into level 1

Ninja Saga Easter Event 2012 Hack: Make all the bosses into level 1

Ninja Saga Easter Event 2012 Hack: Make all the bosses into level 1 With Fiddler

This Hack reduce all level boss ( All Boss Level 1 ) New Update Easter Event 2012. With this hack you can easily to complete the Easter Mission to get All Rewards.

1. Swf file Easter Egg 2012 + All Boss: Click Here To Download
    Password to Download:
2. Fiddler2: Click Here To Download
3. Your Browser.

Steps :
1. Download and Instal Fiddler
2. Login Facebook
3. Open Ninja Saga
4. Open Fiddler then Click the "Tab autoresponder" (which his lightning green icon)
5. Tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
6. Drag and Drop Swf Easter Egg 2012 + All Boss into "Column Autoresponder"
7. Clear Cache in your browser. [at beginning of time]
8. After Clear Chace, go directly to Hunting House or Reload Ninja Saga then Go To Hunting House.
9. Kill all the Bosses and get the Reward

How to Delete the cache :
* For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome -> Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ninja Saga Cheat 1 Hit Kill Egg Hunting Bosses [April 2012]

Ninja Saga Cheat 1 Hit Kill Egg Hunting Bosses [April 2012]

Ninja Saga Cheat 1 Hit Kill Egg Hunting Bosses. Ninja Saga Event Kari Gumi VS Egg Hunting Bosses April 2012.


Alat yang digunakan :
1. Cheat Engine : KILK untuk Download Cheat Engine
2. Browser anda.

Caranya :
1. Download dan Instal Cheat Engine [bagi yang belum punya]
2. Masuk Ninja Saga, hanya sampai karakter saja [jangan di Play]
3. Buka Cheat Engine
4. Dalam Cheat Engine, Pilih proses to Open [yang bergambar komputer] pilih simbul sesuai dengan browser anda.
5. Kemudian klik "Hax" kemudian masukan kode ini: [ 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2 ] kemudian klik First Scan
6. Setelah di First Scan akan muncul 1-2 address, klik address tersebut.
7. Ubah Value dari [ 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2 ] menjadi [ 62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2 ]
8. Selelah Value di Cheat Engine di ubah, baru anda pilih karakter dan mainkan.
9. Pilih musuh yang ada
10. Serang Boss menggunakan Jurus..DONE

Ninja Saga Hack All In Shop Including Emblem + Token Hack

Ninja Saga Hack All In Shop Including Eblem+Token Hack

Contens of this Hack is:
1. 50 Tp per Day - "Permanent"
2. Instant Daily Task- "Permanent"
3. Ten Tale Jinchurichi Mod A.K.A God Mod: I know NS made the new bosses weak and all but defeating them everyday with fare means is a waste of time. Thats why I have added the new God Mod feature so you can defeat them with 1 HIT KO.
4. Emblem and 2000 Token "Not Permanent"

The Tools Used :
1. Swf File : Download Here
    Password to Download:
2. Fiddler2 : Download Here
3. Firefox or Google Crome

The Steps that must be done :
1. Download and Instal Fiddler2.
2. Login Facebook.
3. Open Fiddler then Click the "Tab autoresponder" (which his lightning green icon)
4. Tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
5. Drag and Drop Swf  into "Column Autoresponder"
6. Clear Cache in your browser. [at beginning of time]
7. Reload Ninja Saga
8. Go to Shop..DONE

How to Delete the cache :
* For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome -> Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ninja Saga Clan Battle Energy Hack

Ninja Saga Clan Battle Energy Hack

Ninja Saga Clan Battle Unlimited Energy Hack

Tools :
1. Charles Proxy : Download Charles
2. Borwser

Steps :
1.   Open Charles
2.   Open Ninja  Saga
3.   Select your character and play
      (This time you dont have to put the check for breakpoint yet..)
4.   Go to your clan
5.   Here now you will put the check for breakpoint.. breakpoint the
6.   Go to BATTLE
7.   The browser will freeze.. and the breakpoint panel will appear again in charles...
8.   Now execute 1 Time(Once)
9.   Click EDIT RESPONSE , AMF then scroll down look for the stamina option... put the max value..
      Example: 20/100 so change your stamina to 100 to make the 20 (100)
10. REMOVE the check for BREAKPOINT then execute..


Marvel Avengers Alliance 1 Hit Kill Hack - With Cheat Engine

Marvel Avengers Alliance 1 Hit Kill Hack - With Cheat Engine

Marvel Avengers Alliance 1 Hit Kill Hack Tools :
1. Cheat Engine : DOWNLOAD HERE
2. Mozilla Firefox

The Steps as below :
1. First install the Cheat Engine
2. Login to facebook and play Marvel Avengers Alliance
3. Scan the initial villain HP; ( set 4-Bytes on cheat engine).
4. Hit the villains, specifically someone with an ALL ENEMIES attack.
5. If the HP is the same for all enemies after the hit then scan the new HP and press NEW SCAN.
6. If your villain HP is different from each other like above,
    Goto scan type and press DECREASED VALUE. Hit NEW SCAN.
7. If you do it the DECREASED VALUE way, then you're going to have to spot the values by eye.
    Make sure you double click the correct values out of the list.
    3 addresses per HP bar.
8. Hit the enemy for 1 Hit Kill

Marvel Avengers Alliance 1 Hit Kill Hack - With Cheat Engine

Note:   Basically scan the Boss or opponents life source (4Bytes), which is the red bar that appears under them once the battle starts. Usually should show the number. For example, when you faced Hydra his HP showed 408 on the bottom. So  scan 408, and hit him again. He then dropped down to 387. Typed 387 in cheat engine and hit next scan. Finally got three addresses and changed each of them down to 1. Hit him a final time for 1 hit kill.
For Marvel Avengers Alliance Energy Hack CLICK HERE

Marvel Avengers Alliance Energy Hack With Cheat Engine

Marvel Avengers Alliance Energy Hack With Cheat Engine

To follow the ways below, you need Cheat Engine. If you do not have Cheat Engine, so please download Cheat Engine in here :

Click this Link To Download

The Steps to get free Marvel Avengers Alliance Energy :

1. Instal Cheat Engine, Click Here to find tutorial Installation Cheat Engine
2. Log into Marvel Avengers Alliance and Open Cheat Engine
3. Find Process :
    [ Google Chrome - Below runddl32.exe Select It ]
    [ Mozilla Firefox - plugin-container.exe Select It ]
4. First Scan Your Current Energy And Go Back To Marvel : Avengers Alliance And Then Fight
5. After The One Match , Next Scan Your New Current Energy
6. Select All The Address And Click The Red Arrow Button
7. Change The Value To 50 Or 60 Then Freeze It.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Ninja Saga Hack One Hit Kill Boss and Double XP

Ninja Saga Hack One Hit Kill Boss and Double XP

Ninja Saga Hack One Hit Kill Boss and Double XP

Tool :
1. Swf file : Download Here
    Password to Download :
2. Fiddler  : Download Here
3. Your Browser [Mozilla or Chrome]

Tutorials :
1. Instal Fiddler2
2. Login Facebook
3. Play Ninja Saga
4. Open Fiddler2, Click the "Tab autoresponder" (which his lightning green icon)
5. Tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
6. Drag and Drop Swf  into "Column Autoresponder"
7. Clear Cache in your browser. [at beginning of time]
8. Reload Ninja Saga
9. Go To Hunting House

How to Delete the cache :
* For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome -> Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Monster Galaxy Cheat : Info Moga Evolution

Nah kawan, untuk kali ini saya akan berbagi infomasi tentang Moga Evolution, di sini kita dapat mengetahui berapa total moga yang kita butuhkan supaya bisa di Evolution, terus berapa total Evopotion yang kita butuhkan serta Moga kita bila di Evolution akan menjadi Moga apa.

Banyak sekali informasi tentang Moga yang di Evolution di dalam table ini. Sebagai contoh: Kita ingin mengetahui Evolution dari Moga Twister. Twister bila di evolution akan menjadi Moga Ozage type Rare, total Moga Twister yang kita butuhkan sebanyak 5 Twister dan Evopotion yang kita butuhkan sebanyak 4 Evopotion.

Banyak sekali informasi-informasi seperti di atas di dalam Table ini. Lihat Table di bawah ini untuk mengetahui Informasi Moga Evolution selengkapnya :

Berikut Table dan Informasi mengenai Monster Galaxy Evolution

Note : Tekan Ctrl kemudian tekan keyboard F lalu ketikan nama Moga yang anda cari
Keterangan tambahan : Untuk yang tanda tanya sepertinya belum keluar Game Monster Galaxy, kalau tidak salah..:-D
Semoga Bermanfaat..!

Ninja Saga Hack Learn Jutsu Instantly

Ninja Saga Hack Learn Jutsu Instantly
Ninja Saga Hack Learn Jutsu Instantly
Ninja Saga game, who does not know this game. Ninja Saga game was once a game that most users in facebook, but one thing that makes me not like this game, that is Ninja Saga game we have to wait when we want to learn a new jutsu, the time required until 2 days to learn high-level jutsu.

Then how so that we can learn jutsu quickly and instantly? By using hack, the name of this hack is Ninja Saga Hack Learn Jutsu Instantly. If we use this hack, we can learn jutsu quickly and instantly, we only need Charles proxy to cheat time when we learn new jutsu in the Ninja Saga Game, below is tools required to cheat Ninja Saga Hack Learn Jutsu Instantly:

Ninja Saga Hack Learn Jutsu Instantly

Tool :
1. Charles Proxy : Download Here
2. Browser [Mozilla or Google Chrome]

Tutorial :
 1.   Go to Ninja Saga and   Click Play
 2.   Open Charles Debugging Proxy
 3.   Buy a jutsu
 4.   Open Send Box and claim Justu essence
 5.   Click  Use Justu essence
 6.   Back to charles, so.. Expand
 7.   Click Amf And Find CharacterDAO.reduceTrainingTime
 8.   Right Click And Select Repeat Advance dan Ubah Iterations To 1000 and Concurrency To 100
 9.   Click Ok
 10. Wait 10 - 20 Seccond
 11. Refresh ninja saga and see your Jutsu that  learned

Tutorial With Video :

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ninja Saga Hack The insects Tomcat and NSCP Sword

Ninja Saga Hack The insects Tomcat and NSCP Sword
The insects Tomcat Sword
Ninja Saga Hack The insects Tomcat and NSCP Sword
The NSCP Sword

The insects Tomcat and NSCP Sword Tools :

1. Swf Tomcat & NScP Sword : Download Here
    Password to Download :
2. Fiddler2 : Download Here
3. Browser [ Mozilla or Google Chrome ]

Ways to hack the Tomcat insects and NSCP Sword works:

1. Login Facebook
2. Play Ninja Saga
3. Instal Fiddler2
4. Open Fiddler2, Click the "Tab autoresponder" (which his lightning green icon)
5. Tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
6. Drag and Drop Swf  into "Column Autoresponder"
7. Clear Cache in your browser. [at beginning of time]
8. Reload Ninja Saga
9. Go to Shop and buy Tomcat and NSCP Sword

How to Delete the cache :
* For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome -> Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Monster Galaxy Cheat : Info Complete Moga

Monster Galaxy Cheat : Info Complete Moga

Ini Informasi untuk anda semua pencinta Game Monster Galaxy. Dalam table di bawah ini terdapat banyak sekali informasi-informasi tentang :
Nama Moga berserta gambarnya, Zodiac, Rarity, Atk Rating, Defend Rating, Total Rating, Physical Attack, Physical Attack Laveled, Zodiac Attack Laveled, Special Ability, Random Ability, Locations Update, Serta Notes.

Anda dapat menemukan semua informasi tentang Monster Galaxy yang anda cari di Table di bawah ini

Berikut Table dan Informasi mengenai Monster Galaxy

Note : Tekan Ctrl dan keyboard F lalu ketikan nama Moga yang anda cari

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monster Galaxy Info Moga Battle Type

Monster Galaxy Battle Type

Monster Galaxy Info Moga Battle Type

Berikut ini Informasi tentang Moga Battle Type.
Semoga Informasi ini bermanfaat bagi anda semua

Monster Galaxy Info Map

Dengan menggunakan Monster Galaxy map di bawah ini kita dapat mengetahiu lokasi-lokasi Monster Galaxy dengan mudah.

Misalnya anda kebingungan mencari letak Tiatans Staircase, maka cukup lihat di map ini ddan anda akan segera tahu demana letak Tiatans Staircase.

Monster Galaxy Info

Peublonia Map :

Klik Gambar Untuk Memperbesar :
(Click Image To Enlarge)
Monster Galaxy Info Map

Monster Galaxy Info

Peublonia Map :

Klik Gambar Untuk Memperbesar :
(Click Image To Enlarge)
Monster Galaxy Info Map

Monster Galaxy Info

Peublonia Map :

Klik Gambar Untuk Memperbesar :
(Click Image To Enlarge)
Monster Galaxy Info Map

Monday, March 26, 2012

Info Blog : Cara Membuat Auto Read More untuk Blogspot

Info Blog : Cara Membuat Auto Read More untuk Blogspot
Auto Read More atau Baca selengkapnya sangat membantu kita dalam mempersingkat artikel pada halaman utama blog. Auto Read More bisa kita buat dengan cara manual atau Otomatis.

Jika kita menggunakan cara manual maka setiap kita menulis artikel, kita harus menggunakan "Insert jump break" untuk memotong artikel kita atau sering disebut juga "men-split artikel", dan kita harus menentukan sendiri sampai mana tulisan kita harus dipotong.

Beda ceritanya kalau kita menggunakan Script Auto Read More, saat kita memasang Script Auto Read More dalam blog maka secara otomatis artikel kita akan terpotong dengan sendirinya dan panjang tulisan artikel kita yang terpotong bisa sama.

Di bawah ini adalah langkah-langkah Membuat Auto Read More :
Pertama, silahkan masuk ke halaman EDIT HTML, Cari kode </head>
Letakkan kode dibawah ini tepat diatas kode </head>

<script type='text/javascript'>
var thumbnail_mode = "float" ;
summary_noimg = 250;
summary_img = 250;
img_thumb_height = 120;
img_thumb_width = 120;

<script type='text/javascript'>
Auto-readmore link script, version 2.0 (for blogspot)

(C)2008 by Anhvo

visit to get more cool hacks
function removeHtmlTag(strx,chop){
var s = strx.split("<");
for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++){
s[i] = s[i].substring(s[i].indexOf(">")+1,s[i].length);
strx = s.join("");
chop = (chop < strx.length-1) ? chop : strx.length-2;
while(strx.charAt(chop-1)!=' ' && strx.indexOf(' ',chop)!=-1) chop++;
strx = strx.substring(0,chop-1);
return strx+'...';

function createSummaryAndThumb(pID){
var div = document.getElementById(pID);
var imgtag = "";
var img = div.getElementsByTagName("img");
var summ = summary_noimg;
if(img.length>=1) {
imgtag = '<span style="float:left; padding:0px 10px 5px 0px;"><img src="'+img[0].src+'" width="'+img_thumb_width+'px" height="'+img_thumb_height+'px"/></span>';
summ = summary_img;

var summary = imgtag + '<div>' + removeHtmlTag(div.innerHTML,summ) + '</div>';
div.innerHTML = summary;

Kedua ,Kalau sudah, ganti kode <data:post.body/> ,ganti dengan kode dibawah ini :

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<div expr:id='"summary" +'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb("summary<>");</script>
<span class='rmlink' style='float:left'><a expr:href='data:post.url'>READ MORE - <data:post.title/></a></span>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if>

Langkah terakhir Klik Simpan dan lihat hasilnya.

Catatan : Untuk Anda yang telah membuat read More dengan Metode Manual harus dibersihkan dulu seperti default, hapus pada bagian warna merah, seperti contoh di bawah ini :

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
<div class='post-body'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Readmore</a>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ninja Saga Hack 50 TP per Day [new]

Ninja Saga Hack 50 TP per Day [new]

Ninja Saga Hack 50 TP per Day Tool :

1. Swf File : Download Here
    Password to Download :
2. Fiddler2 : Download Here
3. Your Browser [Mozilla or Google Chrome]

Ninja Saga Hack 50 TP per Day Steps :

1. Login Facebook
2. Play Ninja Saga
3. Open Fiddler2, Click the "Tab autoresponder" (which his lightning green icon)
4. Tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
5. Drag and Drop Swf  into "Column Autoresponder"
6. Clean or Clear cache in your browser.
7. Go to Shop
8. Done

How to Delete the cache :
* For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome -> Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Pet Society Cheat Mega Data Base With Fiddler2

Pet Society Cheat Mega Data Base With Fiddler2

Pet Society Cheat Mega Data Base Tool :

1. Mega Data Base File : Download Here
    Password to download :
2. Fiddler2 : Download Here
3. Your Browser

Pet Society Cheat Mega Data Base Steps :

-Download Files from the links above. pet society cheats
-Open fiddler. pet society cheats
-Go to the Autoresponder tab and ensure both "Ensure automatic...." and "Unmatched requests...." are both ticked.
-Drag all the files you have downloaded into the autoresponder area.
-Clear browser cache. (Shift+Ctrl+Del for chrome users)
-Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
-Visit the Outdoor shop / Collaborative items and have fun shopping for all the items.. !

How to Delete the cache:
* For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome -> Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Video Tutorial :

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ninja Saga Hack Attribute Point [1000 Point +]

Ninja Saga Hack Attribute Point [1000 Point +]

Ninja Saga Hack Attribute Point Tool :

1. file hunting_house.swf : Download Here
    Password to download :
2. Fiddler2 : Download Here
3. Your browser.

Ninja Saga Hack Attribute Point Steps :

1.   Login Facebook
2.   Play Ninja Saga
3.   Open Fiddler2, Click the "Tab autoresponder" (which his lightning green icon)
4.   Tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
5.   Drag and Drop hunting_house.swf  into "Column Autoresponder"
6.   Clean or Clear cache in your browser.
7.   Go to shop and sell all Kunai weapon that you have
8.   Go out from shop and enter to hunting house
9.   Click Enter Button
10. Then select how much point you have (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000)
11. Done.

How to Delete the cache:
* For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome -> Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Friday, March 23, 2012

Ninja Saga Hack Clan Reward Season 1 up to 23

Ninja Saga Hack Clan Reward Season 1 - 23

Ninja Saga Hack Clan Reward Season 1 - 23 Tools :

1. Swf Ninja Saga Hack All In Shop, Download Here
    Password to download in Mediafire is :
2. Fiddler2, Download Here

Ninja Saga Hack Clan Reward Season 1 - 23 Steps :

1. Login Facebook
2. Play Ninja Saga
3. Open Fiddler2, Click the "Tab autoresponder" (which his lightning green icon)
4. Tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
5. Drag and Drop Swf  into "Column Autoresponder"
6. Clean or Clear cache in your browser.
7. Reload Ninja Saga
8. Then Go to Shop

How to Delete the cache:
* For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome -> Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Ninja Saga Hack 8 Monster Reveal Beast - Episode 1

Ninja Saga Hack 8 Monster Reveal Beast - Episode 1

Tool Requered :
1. Swf File : Download here
2. Fiddler2 : Download Here

Like Facebook Fun Page and Get Update :
Steps :
1. Open Ninja Saga
2. Open Fiddler2, Click the Tab autoresponder (which his lightning green icon)
3. Tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
4. Drag and Drop Swf into "Column Autoresponder"
5. Clean or Clear cache in your browser.
6. Go and made mission lv 1 Hardworking Student

How to Delete the cache:
* For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome-> Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data